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What's the Main Concern For You in Your Store Right Now?
Don't have enough brides booking appointments?
Feel like you're always robbing Peter to pay Paul?
The brides are coming in but you're not selling enough dresses?
When you opened your beautiful store you had a dream…a dream to create something wonderful for your customers, the perfect destination for them to find their perfect gown and for you to live a fulfilled life, where work was enjoyable.
I’m certain you didn’t fall in love with the idea of understanding profit margins, corporation tax and VAT and decide to open your store off the back of that.
But to run a successful and more importantly, profitable, business, it is vital you have at least a grasp on the key numbers, otherwise, you will not know whether all your hard work is worth it!
But this article is not going to be about what is and isn’t allowable against tax, directors loans or dividends, that is what your accountant is for.
This article is about the numbers that you can track, the numbers that will enable you to drive your business forward.
When I start working with a new client, one of my first questions to them is ‘which key numbers do you track each week?’
It is rare that any of them track any of their numbers, but doing so gives you back control, allowing you to spot trends and focus attention on key areas and head off any potential issues before they become unmanageable.
Bridal retail is hard work, physically demanding, emotionally exhausting and like riding the worlds biggest rollercoaster that you can’t get off…and so you MUST make it pay to make it worth it.
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